• 今日视点


2023-08-26 21:54:07  出处:卜安居 编辑:布丁谈生肖     

Whoopi Goldberg puts on an act in "Sister Act". She plays Deloris Van Cartier, an Las Vegas singer who has witnessed a mob murder gets protection in one place she most dreads: a convent. That's where she went to school in her youth, and cause quite a racket there. She goes in as a nun and seems to have trouble fitting in. Seeing it's so dead there, she gets with the other sisters to lighten it up a bit. She explains to the mother superior why people don't come to church. When she does that, more people started coming to the church because Sister Mary Clarence(Goldberg) made it happen. When the mobsters started to close in on her, it's up to everyone in the convent to lend a hand. I liked the part where she was praying, and the other goons decides to the same. She suddenly hit them in the jewels. Miracles do happen, even in "sin city". The scenes are great, I liked the part where Kathy Najimy's character showed off a little too much in dancing, but the rest of the crew just played along with her knowing they were laughing with her and not at her. Great movie, very uplifting!


影片中的音乐毫无疑问是片中的大亮点。从酒吧歌手的歌到唱诗班的歌,都很好地推动了剧情,特别是最后的《I Will Follow Him》,在片末将剧情推向了高潮,成为英文金曲传唱不休。片中音乐成功将圣歌式吟唱与流行音乐结合起来,给观众带来很不一样的视听感受。
总的来说,《修女也疯狂》成功集合了多种元素,将音乐、爱情、犯罪、宗教等和谐地设置其中。影片情节设置也很合理,片中种种搞笑桥段均很巧妙,还不乏美国片常有的“美国元素”比如赌城拉斯维加斯街头涂鸦文化等等,演员的表演,主要是女主角Whoopi Goldberg的表演,到位而自然,将主人公角色特点诠释得淋漓尽致。这样的修女,不能不让我为之疯狂。


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